Caricature Kingdom

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Halloween Is Serious Business

Halloween used to be serious business. Why do we wear masks and costumes? Why do we carve pumpkins? Why treats?

Masks and costumes:  On Oct 31, it was thought that the veil between the world of the living and the world of the dead was at its thinnest, allowing spirits and creatures to slip into our world. We would wear costumes and mask so that we could safely go out at night and blend in with the spirits moving about without being harassed or attacked and drug into the land of the dead when the spirits returned.

Pumpkins: Just another way to keep the spirits away. Ancients used to carve large turnips and light them up. The light and the scary faces kept the wandering spirits away from your homes. We switched to pumpkins when the New World was colonized

Treats: Why treats? Some spirits are braver than others and would not be deterred from entering your home past your lit turnip/pumpkin. In order to keep these spirits from dragging off the souls of those in the house, especially those of children, you could bribe the spirits with sweets.And of course, since it was a harvest festival,  it was accompanied with bonfires, drinking and feasting. Those Pagans knew how to party!
So this is why you dress up like monsters, carve pumpkins and hand out treats and throw huge parties. Now you know!
What are you dressing up as to keep the ghouls away?

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